October 27, 2023
Use geom_line()
# in this ggplot() call, we add a third dimension for line color
ggplot(dem_waves_ctrs, aes(x = year, y = polyarchy, color = country)) +
geom_line(linewidth = 1) + # our geom is a line with a width of 1
x = "Year",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = 'Democracy in countries representing three different "waves"',
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Country" # make title of legend to upper case
Add third dimension for line color…
# in this ggplot() call, we add a third dimension for line color
ggplot(dem_waves_ctrs, aes(x = year, y = polyarchy, color = country)) +
geom_line(linewidth = 1) + # our geom is a line with a width of 1
x = "Year",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = 'Democracy in countries representing three different "waves"',
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Country" # make title of legend to upper case
Modify the legend title…
# in this ggplot() call, we add a third dimension for line color
ggplot(dem_waves_ctrs, aes(x = year, y = polyarchy, color = country)) +
geom_line(linewidth = 1) + # our geom is a line with a width of 1
x = "Year",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = 'Democracy in countries representing three different "waves"',
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Country" # make title of legend to upper case
dem_summary_ctry <- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eteitelbaum/dataviz-fall-2023/main/modules/data/dem_women.csv") |>
group_by(country, region) |> # group by country, keep region
polyarchy = mean(polyarchy, na.rm = TRUE),
gdp_pc = mean(gdp_pc, na.rm = TRUE),
flfp = mean(flfp, na.rm = TRUE),
women_rep = mean(women_rep, na.rm = TRUE)
Use geom_point()
ggplot(dem_summary_ctry, aes(x = gdp_pc, y = polyarchy, color = region, size = women_rep)) +
geom_point() + # use geom_point() for scatter plots
scale_x_log10(labels = scales::label_number(prefix = "$", suffix = "k")) +
x= "GDP per Capita",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = "Wealth and democracy, 1990 - present",
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Region",
size = "Women Reps"
Four dimensions…
ggplot(dem_summary_ctry, aes(x = gdp_pc, y = polyarchy, color = region, size = women_rep)) +
geom_point() + # use geom_point() for scatter plots
scale_x_log10(labels = scales::label_number(prefix = "$", suffix = "k")) +
x= "GDP per Capita",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = "Wealth and democracy, 1990 - present",
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Region",
size = "Women Reps"
Stretch axis on log scale and use scales package to adjust labels…
ggplot(dem_summary_ctry, aes(x = gdp_pc, y = polyarchy, color = region, size = women_rep)) +
geom_point() + # use geom_point() for scatter plots
scale_x_log10(labels = scales::label_number(prefix = "$", suffix = "k")) +
x= "GDP per Capita",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = "Wealth and democracy, 1990 - present",
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Region",
size = "Women Reps"
Change legend titles…
ggplot(dem_summary_ctry, aes(x = gdp_pc, y = polyarchy, color = region, size = women_rep)) +
geom_point() + # use geom_point() for scatter plots
scale_x_log10(labels = scales::label_number(prefix = "$", suffix = "k")) +
x= "GDP per Capita",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = "Wealth and democracy, 1990 - present",
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Region",
size = "Women Reps"
or polyarch
on the x-axis10:00
ggplot(dem_summary_ctry, aes(x = gdp_pc, y = polyarchy)) +
geom_point(aes(color = region)) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", linewidth = 1) +
scale_x_log10(labels = scales::label_number(prefix = "$", suffix = "k")) +
x= "GDP per Capita",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = "Wealth and democracy, 1990 - present",
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Region"
Taking out size and adding color to geom_point()
ggplot(dem_summary_ctry, aes(x = gdp_pc, y = polyarchy)) +
geom_point(aes(color = region)) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", linewidth = 1) +
scale_x_log10(labels = scales::label_number(prefix = "$", suffix = "k")) +
x= "GDP per Capita",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = "Wealth and democracy, 1990 - present",
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Region"
Changing legend titles.
ggplot(dem_summary_ctry, aes(x = gdp_pc, y = polyarchy)) +
geom_point(aes(color = region)) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", linewidth = 1) +
scale_x_log10(labels = scales::label_number(prefix = "$", suffix = "k")) +
x= "GDP per Capita",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = "Wealth and democracy, 1990 - present",
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Region"
method = "loess"
instead of a “lm”05:00
Use facet_wrap()
with ~
before variable you want to wrap on…
ggplot(dem_summary_ctry, aes(x = gdp_pc, y = polyarchy)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", linewidth = 1) +
facet_wrap(~ region) +
scale_x_log10(labels = scales::label_number(prefix = "$", suffix = "k")) +
x= "GDP per Capita",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = "Wealth and democracy, 1990 - present",
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute"
What else changes? Back down to two dimensions…
ggplot(dem_summary_ctry, aes(x = gdp_pc, y = polyarchy)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", linewidth = 1) +
facet_wrap(~ region) +
scale_x_log10(labels = scales::label_number(prefix = "$", suffix = "k")) +
x= "GDP per Capita",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = "Wealth and democracy, 1990 - present",
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute"
Don’t forget to take the legend title out of the captions…
ggplot(dem_summary_ctry, aes(x = gdp_pc, y = polyarchy)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", linewidth = 1) +
facet_wrap(~ region) +
scale_x_log10(labels = scales::label_number(prefix = "$", suffix = "k")) +
x= "GDP per Capita",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = "Wealth and democracy, 1990 - present",
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute"
scales = "free"
to fix the West05:00
Filter for Asia, add labels with geom_text()
dem_summary_ctry |>
filter(region == "Asia") |>
ggplot(aes(x = gdp_pc, y = polyarchy)) +
geom_point() +
geom_text(aes(label = country), size = 2, vjust = 2) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", linewidth = 1) +
scale_x_log10(labels = scales::label_number(prefix = "$", suffix = "k")) +
x= "GDP Per Capita",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = "Wealth and democracy in Asia, 1990 - present",
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute"
to add labels to your pointssize
and vjust